Friday, February 12, 2010


Ok, I am thoroughly grossed out. The hermit crab was kinda cool at first...

Then my sister told me that when she got some for her kids that they grossed her out so much that she had nightmares about them leaving their shells and getting out and crawling in her bed or something like that...

Ok, this took some excitement out of my new pet...

Then he stopped moving and I was convinced it was dead...

But the next day he was at the other side of his cage. Ok...I guess that is cool.

Now his big claw is just laying in the cage by itself...

Keep swallowing the throw up shells...

I read this is because he is stressed and needs a friend. Now I am stressed that my hermit crab is stressed...but the thought of two of them gives me chills.

*chills* see?

What do i do? We spent money on a glass cage, a heater, and all the crab necessities. Is there any other pet that won't give me the heebie jeebies that can use all that stuff minus the crab food?

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