Monday, January 11, 2010

You're kidding me....

What a way to start 2010...

I went to the Dr. today and found out I have chicken pox...ya seriously. It is unclear whether I had them when I was little or not, I certainly don't remember. Matt has had them, K is vaccinated, but Chloe isn't yet...


Ugh. Ok that is the extent of my pity party.

(Begin Inspirational Music here...)

I have two little ones depending on me!

I have to press forward and remember that a mommy cannot rest the way she used to when she was a kid, all snuggled up in bed while being taken care of...ahhhh.

I have to still pack up and move in 2 weeks! I refuse...REFUSE! to let this get me down and get in the way of me getting out of this apt!


Kelly said...

Oh my goodness Shelly!!!! Wow. You deserve a break! I hope you are able to get over them quickly and that Chloe doesn't get it.

Jessica said...

Oh my goodness, chicken pox??? You poor thing! I agree with Kelly, you deserve a break! I'll pray this turns out to be mild for you and you can still get all your packing and mommying done. It's so hard to be sick when you're a mom!

Charlee said...

That stinks! I had them but my kids were exposed before vaccinations too and they didn't get it. This too shall pass and you will be back to normal in no time.

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