Sunday, April 19, 2009

Washington Trip :)

Hello!! Well I finally have some time to blog about our wonderful trip to Washington!!! We had such a great time! Matt's parents took us to see a ton :) Thank you!!

Our first full day out we went to Port Townsend! There we visited an old army fort from the 1920's and walked along the beach. We could even see Canada from where we were :) After that, we went down to the little town and ate at a nice little cafe and walked along the docks. It was beautiful!

Of course we bundled up pretty much the whole time! The weather wasn't actually that bad but it was of course a lot colder than we are used to!!

The second day out, we went to Seattle! This was probably my favorite day. We took the ferry over to Seattle and then first went to Pike's Market. I loved this!! It was like an upscale swapmeet! Then we walked downtown and visited Seattle Underground. We finished the day off at a really nice restaurant across the river with all of Seattle as a view. :)

This was a skylight from the underground and the next picture is above ground.

The third day we first visited this breathtaking waterfall (I can't recall the name!!) and then we were planning to go to Mt. Ranier, but unfortunately the roads were closed :( So we got to see other parts of Washington that were really cool :) I really wanted to go see Forks, WA because that is where they filmed the movie Twilight, but they said it was too far. haha We did visit this really huge sporting goodstore that had all kinds of cool stuff! They had a huge waterfall and lots of woodsy animals around. It was really neat to visit!

Our last day there (Easter) was wonderful in the morning. Matt's mom made us a yummy breakfast and K got to do an Easter egg hunt inside the house (it was cold outside :) She loved it!!!

We missed our stinkin flight home by 2 minutes!! But other than that, everything else was wonderful!

1 comment:

Jessica said...

How fun! I'm glad you had such a nice trip :) I love Seattle.

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