Sunday, November 16, 2008

Weekend Update!

Friday, I watched my nephew Jalon and of course K. We had a good time and I got some cute pics of them together.

I told JJ to give cousin a hug since she was upset!

Saturday, Matt and I went to a marriage conference at was awesome!!

Sunday, after church, we went to Disneyland with Uncle David. K was sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo good!!!!! She had such a fun time and really enjoyed all the sights. She even went on 2 rides! The carosel in California Adventure and the Jungle Cruise at D-land! I was so proud of her! She just giggled and talked all day!

Here we are waiting for Daddy and Uncle to get off a ride and K is eating her lunch.

Waiting in line to ride the carousel!

Awww...sleepy baby!

Thank you God for such a blessed time!!! :)

1 comment:

Jessica said...

Good weekends are great :) Glad you got to go to a marriage conference and also Disneyland... fun fun :)

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