Friday, September 26, 2008

Long time no blog!

Hi! I am still here! I realized I hadn't posted anything for a couple of weeks :(

Things are going well! Matt recently took the aptitude test for Air Traffic Controllers and I am so proud to say he passed with a 96 (you had to at least score a 70)! So now we are just waiting to hear from the FAA :)

Also, we have a new member of our household :) Matt's brother David is living here now and we are excited to have him here! I have already implemented family nights and a chore list (WHOO HOO!)

Today I watched my nephew Jalon and took some cute photos of them together!
Actually this was the other night. I bought some new jammies for K and I love them!

JJ decided to try on one of K's new hats that her Grandma sent her :)

1 comment:

Jessica said...

Yay, I'm so glad he did so well on the test :) That would be great if it all worked out!

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