Thursday, December 15, 2011

The Royal Fairytale

My sister-in-law Bronwyn and I took our girls to the Royal Fairytale located in El Cajon.  This is totally up their alley! I purchased these tickets on Groupon for only $10 (whoo hoo, love that).  I wasn't sure if it would be worth it but it was SOOO cute!!

First the girls had to locate their name tags in the glass slippers.

 Then Rapunzel went around to each girl and talked to them :)

 While half the girls went to get dressed and get their hair done, the other half listened as Rapunzel told them a story. 

 Time to get dressed! Norah chose Sleeping Beauty.

 Kaitlyn chose Belle (surprisingly since there were Ariel costumes!)

Then while waiting to get their hair done, they got lip gloss and a purple glitter star on their cheeks :)

 So beautiful!

 Give me a princess pose!

 Tea time was hilarious! They weren't supposed to drink any tea until Rapunzel had served everyone.  K was done drinking by the time Rapunzel served the last girl. lol.  Then she asked her for more. 

Rapunzel taught manners like no elbows on the table...she didn't mention anything about chins. 
 Now it was time to learn how to dance!

 Boa Limbo time!

Sooooo worth it! The girls had a GREAT time!

1 comment:

  1. That looks like so much darn fun! I've heard about it and am so glad you give it a thumbs up:) K looks like she had a lovely time--I like how she seems to be totally listening to Rapunzel...what a good student.:)
