Friday, November 11, 2011

Can you spare some change?

The past 4 years, I have been just trying to keep my head above water.  Just trying to stay afloat.  Doing the bare minimum to get the point!

I can't say my life is calm to the point where I have a TON of free time.  Recently, however, I have had a tad more free time and have been able to put more effort into a lot of things around the home. I have been yearning to make a few changes around here to just be a better homemaker by my own standards.  I always want to eat and cook healthier.  I want to organize my home better.  I want to make things and be super crafty.  So I decided to dedicate posts here and there to my new found spare time (spare is the key word here, haha).  It is not going to happen overnight! Hopefully, my girls can benefit someday from their Momma's steps into becoming better :) After all, that is what this blog is mainly for, my girls :)


  1. I applaud you, Shel! I am on a little trek myself (we need to chat it out at our Mommy Dinner!) and I'm her to support you. I can't wait to hear all about the deodorant...last I heard it was in the fridge chillin;. xx

  2. Ok, I don't know what I'm doing, but "Unknown is Danielle!"
