Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Welcome Annie!

Here is the newest member of our family- Annie the Jack Russell Terrier.  We have been considering getting a dog in the past few months.  Usually I am not on board with this.  Why do I need more to clean up after and I am already stretched as it is??  However, talking to several moms that have dogs with little kids and they said that although it is extra work, it is worth it when the dog entertains your child and vice versa.  We felt so bad having to give up our other little dog about a year ago when we lived in our old apartment.  It was super poor planning on our part so we decided it was something we weren't going to rush into this time.  We asked our landlords (as their pet policy is no pets) if they would reconsider and they decided they would.  We searched and searched as to a good fit for our family.  We were interested in Jack Russells, Bulldogs, Pugs, or Shih Tzus.  We almost got a Shih Tzu but then I read that they are notoriously difficult to potty train.  We couldn't find a legit seller for Bulldogs (all we found were scammers) and the only Pug we could find were males.  Matt ran across this ad for the Jack Russells and we went and picked her up! Normally, at this time I am so regretting our decision and wishing we hadn't done it but I am in LOVE with her!! She is super sweet and cuddly.  AND THE BEST PART is she is already potty trained!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Of course we have to let her out, but she whines when she has to go and when we let her out she heads for the same spot in the dirt in our backyard. We have had No accidents which was a huge deal for me.

The girls adore her and already spoil her. We are so happy about our decision!

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