Friday, October 21, 2011

My Clobo turns 2!!!

My little Clobo! You are two years old already!!!! Where did this last year go??? HOW did you get so big!!!

Right now you are always cracking me up.  You copy a lot of what we say and you still LOVE your big sister (even though you two fight all the time!).  You manage to make your way into Mommy and Daddy's bed every night now although for most of your life you have slept in your crib. You are so good about playing by yourself and you love your new toys. Right now you are really into going for walks and playing with the neighbor friends.  You cry anytime one of them leaves.  You are slowly allowing others to watch you even at church!!! This makes momma happy since I have never seen a church work so hard to make you happy to stay in Sunday School! Your hair isn't quite long enough for me to style and when I do manage to get a barrette in there, you pull it out.  Your sister loves to call you a mad scientist when your hair is crazy and needs to be brushed down.  You are fascinated with the word "poopy" and you love when Momma does her crazy puppet show (Jacque and Claude) with the oven mitts.  You often make requests for Jacque especially.  You still love going to Disneyland and you LOVE Minnie Mouse.  Your new show to watch on TV is Shaun the Sheep and you are always asking for it.  You still suck your thumb and you love to cuddle with our clothes (clean or dirty) lol.  Sometimes you grab onto your pant leg to hold while you suck your thumb which makes it very entertaining to watch you try and walk.  You are my sweet Clobo and I love you dearly. Happy Birthday sweetheart!

This was her actual birthday and we let her open her presents when they woke up!


We had her birthday party that weekend and it was a joint birthday party with my nephew Jalon.  Chloe's theme was Minnie Mouse and his was Pirates! Here is my attempt at Minnie Mouse cupcakes but the ears flopped by the morning.  So much for using edible paper!!


  1. Aw, so cute! Her and Alayna would have fun... Alayna LOVES Minnie Mouse, we got her that same little plastic dress up doll for her birthday too :) Happy birthday Chloe!

  2. So much fun! I love having my stomach in two of the pictures :/ Happy Birthday Chloe!
