Sunday, September 4, 2011


We got to visit my dear in-laws in Washington for seven full days a few weeks ago! We seriously had one of the best vacations ever there!  We have a ton of photos, so here we go :)

Day 1
We had to be at the airport at 7 am in Long Beach so we had to leave our house by 3:30 am (UGH). I thought the girls would sleep on the way there but they were WIDE awake.  They finally crashed at Grammy and Grandpa's house about 5:30 pm.

We visited a nearby park that evening!

Day 2: We took the ferry to Seattle!

Poor Clobo! Crashed again on the couch!
Day 3: I think our favorite times were playing out in the backyard!!! Grandpa set up the tent and some games for us.

We visited a nearby beach when the tide was WAY out so we got to explore what it left behind!

So handsome :)

Poor Grammy! Her shoe broke in the icky mud so I teased her saying I would post this as how people in Washington come to pick up their relatives at the airport.

Building sandcastles with Grammy!

Day 4: We visited Pouslbo (a popular Dutch community). 

There was a band of drummers we got to catch! The girls loved dancing.

Day 5: We visited Mt. St. Helens! Wow!! This was amazing!

Day 6: This was our 8th Anniversary!! Grammy and Grandpa took the girls to the zoo while we took off to Seattle for the day!! It was AMAZING! and soooo quiet :)

 The Sleepless and Seattle floating house!!! I was in Heaven!
 Our crazy tour guide.

 Day 7:  I didn't get any goodbye pictures but I did get some at the airport! We had such a great time! Thank you so much Grammy and Grandpa!!!!!!

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