Tuesday, September 6, 2011

My Little Preschooler

Today my little Kaitlyn had her first day of preschool!

I wasn't sure how I would react.

To give a little perspective, other than naps in the car sometimes, she hasn't napped regularly since she was 2 (almost 2 years ago).


which translates into 12-13 hours a day with no breaks


So while I of course love her and miss her when she is there...


She goes Tuesdays and Thursdays from 12:30 to 3:30 which happens to fall duing Chloe's naptime.  Coincidence?? I think not!

Here she is before we left.

 We had to decorate a bucket that she has to take everytime to hold her stuff.

 They have a huge sand and water play area.
 See? Wasn't even sad to see me go! Here she is running to play with something fun!


Jessica said...

Yay for free time for mama! I can't believe she hasn't napped since she was 2... you poor thing! Ethan still naps. She looks so old :)

Kelly said...

I know you shed a tear!!!!!!! :)

Winners get it done! said...

Is Kyra too young to start?? LOL

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