Sunday, July 17, 2011

Do you feel God loves you?

I don't often comment on here about things I have learned from God. Maybe I should? Maybe I shouldn't? I don't ever want to come across like I know it all, or that I am better at something that you aren't, or anything like that.  Often, I feel so inadequate on teaching anything about God to anyone, so I don't say anything.  But today, I was reminded about God's love for me and hope that it encourages.

Awhile back, I was in a Bible study where our teacher asked us to list how we think God views us individually.  My list went something like this:

I know You love me God, but...
I often let You down
I probably disappoint You more than please You.
I can never follow through with anything.
I can't understand how or why You love me. get the idea.

And then it hit me.  What if Kaitlyn or Chloe wrote this same list that represented how they thought I viewed them?  And tears rolled down my face.  My precious Katers and Clobo! Though they challenge me and frustrate me, they are so very dear to my heart and I love them more than they could possibly know.  I would be crushed if this is how they thought of me and my love for them.  And there I was thinking this is how God felt about me even though I do let Him down all the time.

Today in church our Pastor touched on this subject.  Not just knowing that God loves you, but feeling that God loves you.  I usually stay far away from that word "feeling" because I thought that we weren't supposed to base anything on our feelings since they change so often.  Which is true to some extent. But God made us with a desire to feel love from people and from Him.  It is OK to want to feel God's love.  It is OK to ask to feel God's love!!!

This is probably a "duh" for most of you I suppose. lol.

I went home a different person and rested in this feeling of God's love.  I felt joy today and my kids and I benefited.  What an awesome God we have!

Psalm 90:14-Satisfy us in the morning with your unfailing love, that we may sing for joy and be glad all our days.

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