Saturday, May 21, 2011

Catch up!

Lots to blog about today :)

We are all doing ok here! Kaitlyn had pink eye last week which was pretty difficult on us.  Not only could we not really get out of the house, I didn't want to drag out every single toy or craft and possibly infect it with pink eye! They watched TV way too much but what can I do in that situation. 

Chloe is saying so much now!! I guess this is another good thing about Kaitlyn talking so much, Chloe hears a TON of stuff ALL day long! Some of her new sayings are:

I dance!
I jump!
Be nice, Share! (she hears this one ALL the time from me telling K, haha)
More milk.
All done.

She is getting more and more attached to Daddy and cries often for him, which completely melts his heart!

Matt is still doing great!! He finished his last two sectors in the lab and has moved out onto the control floor for the last time to train and finish his two sectors there! And then he will be completely certified!!!! Go honey!!

We are still doing our workouts! Matt lost 7 pounds and I lost 5 so far. I am mostly excited to be toning up more than anything :)

WE are so excited that Matt's parents are going to visit in two weeks and we booked our trip to Washington to see them late July to August for 7 whole days!!! Can't wait!!!!

These pictures are from a recent Disney trip that I haven't posted yet.

 Clo looks so big here :)

Matt took Friday off last week and the four of us went to SeaWorld (ya, I know...we really try to get out of the house as much as possible!)  I ALWAYS check the weather report but didn't this time, and sadly forgot some jackets.  We were dressed like we were going to the beach, but it was Freezing there!!! We still had a great time :)

Another fun outing we did this weekend, was to go and visit our favorite animals...the goats! haha It was beautiful there and it was nice to get out!

 I remember Chloe would cry when we would come here because she was so afraid of the goats.  Now she throws corn at them through the fence and cries "Goats, Goats" when we leave because she doesn't want to go. What a cutie :)

 I love this picture.  I told Kaitlyn to pose with the goat. This is her idea of posing. lol.

Today, we attended a birthday party for our neighbor's son.  Their mom has the coolest ideas! She did a carnival and the kids got to play games and win tickets to get their face painted and to win prizes.  VERY fun for the kids and so creative!! I will have to steal this idea someday!

The girls had to find matching ducks! So cute!

 K got her face painted, well she calls it her face tatoo.  She is posing for me again. lol.

Here are some random pics that I thought I would throw in!
K with one of her ladybugs. (They are all dead now, thankfully, haha)

 Matt said Clo looks like an old lady in this bathing suit and hat. haha

1 comment:

  1. Wow, Chloe is getting too big :( I feel like I haven't seen them in so long, but it's only been 2 months. Let's plan something fun to do with them together when you guys have free time. Give them lots of hugs for me.
