Saturday, April 30, 2011

Ladybug Extravaganza

Many bugs have come through our house these past few weeks.  First the butterflies, now the ladybugs.  We got K a ladybug home (which she named the Ladybug Festival) that has a merry-go-round, maze, ferris wheel (oh brother) and such. lol.  Her ladybugs came in the mail and into the ladybug festival they went. 

Instead of hearing all day "When will the caterpillars turn into butterflies?", we now hear "Can I get a ladybug out and play with it?"

All of the ladybugs that have passed away this week at the hands of my daughters, may you rest in peace.

I cringe everytime I step on something on the floor. I have never been so happy to see it is only a crumb. 

At breakfast one morning, K insisted the Ladybug festival be on the table next to her.  I was in the kitchen, and I heard this scream come from the dining room.  Apparently, not have listened to my directions, she dropped the festival on the table and the ladybugs covered her bagel with cream cheese and her. I have never seen a child more frightened. The ladybugs got their revenge for all their fallen family members.

Today the girl's and I went to the Annual Ladybug Festival in Encinitas.  It is really simple but I thought they would enjoy it and we went last year.  Here are the pics from that.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness, sorry but I laughed out loud at the ladybugs on the bagel!
