Monday, March 7, 2011


Last Sunday, we went to cheer on my dear friend Cheryl! She was participating in a stair climbing challenge in honor of her fiance Mark who passed away a year ago. The girls and I headed to downtown San Diego and met her there. I am proud of you Cheryl! On our way out, the hotel was cleaning and gave the girls 6 baloons.  This was quite a sight as I walked back to our car. I felt like we stuck out like a sore thumb! haha

Clo was laying there listening to K throw a fit about the baloons, haha.
The rest of the week was filled with preparations for K's 3rd birthday party that had been canceled due to weather two weeks ago! My friend Crystal came down the night before with her dog Pinky and she helped me tremendously!

The party was stressful at first because we didn't have a table or any shade (the parks are busy on Sunday). Once we got everything set up (thank you everyone!), the party was nice and fun. The kids had a blast playing in the water and the playground. Despite it hailing here the weekend before, it was very warm (I think in the high 70's or low 80's). Most importantly, K had a really great time visiting with friends and family! She told me she had a fun time and thank you :)

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