Thursday, March 31, 2011

Matt was gone for 4 days last week so my mom came and stayed with us! We tried to get out each day but the rain made that difficult a few of the days!

I also celebrated my 31st birthday (sigh...where did 30 go and why did it go so fast?!?).  My mom took the girls for us for one night and we had such a nice time. We stayed home of course but went out to eat several meals!!!! We love eating out and it is so nice to not have to rush through a nice meal :) :) :)

We spent the next few days in Beaumont and unfortunately Matt, K and Clo all got the flu.  Luckily they were well enough for our family trip to Disneyland on Tuesday! My mom, Norah, my sister, Kyle, JJ, and Kyra all went too :) It was kinda crowded but we still had a good time :) :)  (Warning: I didn't feel like taking out the bad I kinda posted them all, sorry!)

We went to feed the goats!

 K and I made a puppet theater out of a shoe box.

Here begins the millions of Disney pictures!


 At home with the Princess.

 Clo got into Kaitlyn's lip gloss and applied it as eyeshadow, sadly under my watch :(

1 comment:

  1. You are such a fun mom Shelly! You always do fun things with your girls :) I love the shoebox puppet theater, what a great idea!!
