Saturday, January 22, 2011

Another week :)

We had such a great time this week!!! First! We LOVE LOVE LOVE our next door neighbors!! They have a little girl who just turned 4 that plays wonderfully with Kaitlyn. And I love her mom! She is so fun and easy to talk to :) Yay Praise God!!

Our weekend (Thurs and Fri) was pretty quiet and relaxing actually!! During Chloe's nap on Thursday, K and I went to Goodwill to try and find some cheap stuff for our new place. Honestly, I may have found something but it was really really difficult to concentrate. She repeated over and over..."Mommy, what's that!? Look Mommy what is that!?" lol. She wasn't being bad, there was just so much to look at. The girls actually made out really good! I got a wooden toy for Clobo that has the little wooden balls or blocks that run along twisty wires, a brand new dora bat and ball for K, and three brand new huge coloring books. Whoo! 

After thrift store shopping, K and I went for some ice cream. She is doing this thing recently where she is very..hmmm..clear about what she wants. As soon as we walked into the ice cream store, she points to the lady and says I want rainbow ice cream. Now, I know that it sounds totally rude and I discourage her from asking that way, but I honestly know she isn't meaning to be rude. That is her excited way of telling us what she wants. She did the same thing when we went out to dinner.  As soon as we walked into the restaurant, she points to the hostess and says, "I want a cheese quesadilla". lol

Oh Kaitlyn. What is Momma gonna do with you?

K got the camera to take pics of her feet.

 The girls at the park...and yes it is January.  We met Kelly and her girls there! Kelly and I were talking about how when we first came to this park, K wouldn't even put her toe in the sand. We looked over and at one point, she was laying face down in it trying to do a "snow" angel. I am sooooooooooooo glad she got over her fear of "dirty" sand!

We took the girls to the mall on Thursday evening. We don't shop, we just play, hehe. It was great because the play area wasn't crawling with kids like it usually is! Just our turkeys and one other!

I took them to feed the goats again! Chloe wasn't afraid this time!! She just got in their faces and squealed at them!

 Chloe's first painting!! I am so proud!!

OH girls! You are my loves! There is nothing I would rather be doing then spending my days with you!

1 comment:

  1. So glad you like your new living situation... yay!

    Looks like you guys have been having fun :) I love how little things like play areas at the mall and feeding goats can be fun and free outings :)
