Saturday, November 6, 2010

A trip to the zoo and the nut farm.

This week was so busy! But busy can keep me from going crazy sometimes so it is good! On Wednesday, my sister came out with Kyra and we went to the Wild Animal Park! Chloe took a nap while the four of us went! On Thursday evening my wonderful friend Kelly invited me to a girl getaway at her aunt's house in Oceanside! We stayed up late watching T.V. and chatting and slept in until 8! Whoo hoo! Today (Saturday) the girls and I went to Bate's Nut Farm in Valley Center. I didn't realize it was so big! They had animals to feed and a craft fair. It was so beautiful there!

Kaitlyn is posing for the camera.

 Kaitlyn in her "pencil" (Rapunzal) dress!

 Chloe was happy until midway into our visit at Bate's Nut farm. Poor thing!

 We bought some corn to feed the goats! We were there for about 20 minutes doing this!

 Chloe was TERRIFIED of the goats!! Poor thing!

 Here Kaitlyn is explaining to me "The goat loves this popcorn long long time." lol

 I know I could make this bag probably on my own, but I thought it was so cute! Who am I kidding? I don't have time to make anything...

1 comment:

Casey Chronicles said...

Oh the part about the nut farm can be taken so many ways... more so in my house. He he

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