Tuesday, November 30, 2010

First visit to the movies!

I took K to the movies today to see Tangled! It was her first time and she had such a fun time. She almost cried when the movie was over and I told her we had to go home. Poor little thing didn't weigh enough to keep the seat down so she sat on my lap the whole time. We enjoyed our popcorn and soda and the movie was so cute! She did so good too! I had to tell her all day that she couldn't talk in the movie theater so when we got there, she "shushed" me the entire time we were in the lobby and while we were buying our snacks. lol. I can't wait to take her again!!

1 comment:

Crystal said...

She is SO CUTE! I'm really not surprised that she did so well, she's just like her Mommy, which means she is an awesome listener and so intelligent. Now that I know she can go to the movies I will have to take her :) BTW I hope you don't mind me loving these girls, all of my neices and nephews are so far away and your girls make me miss them less.

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