Monday, September 13, 2010

How great is our God!

My wonderful friend Kelly so often challenges me spiritually and I have thanked God for her on soooooo many occasions. God has been using her in small and great ways to transform my thinking and my priorities and to make me more like Jesus. Not only does she help me feel normal about my Mommy challenges, she has provided a much needed friendship in a new place where I don't know anyone! And she gave me a travel potty chair that has saved me on a dozen outings or so! haha

Our last girl night out, she told me about this blog she has been reading. It is about this amazing young woman who gave up the "American" dream to go work with orphans in Uganda. Her story is truly an example of how we should all be living. Not that we should all move to Uganda, but to live completely and fully for God with nothing holding us back.

I have been trying to read her blog every chance I get, as I find it to be probably one of the most inspiring and encouraging stories I have ever read. Kelly made such a great point this is what we should ALL be doing and she is simply being obedient in every way she can to our Lord who has died for us. Katie (the young woman) is not tied to material possesions or relationships so much that they get in the way of what is truly important. The only way I can describe it is completely "freeing".

If you have time, please read her blog from the beginning and consider helping in any way you can! I have also added the link to the organization that Katie started to the right :)

Here is her blog: (for some reason, it isn't letting me link it here for you, so you have to copy and paste!)

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