Tuesday, August 17, 2010


Today was a really nice day! I have been so grumpy lately and it was nice to not be for a change! The girls and I had a picnic at the park and played in the water and came home and played some more! Matt had to testify in a trial today involving the bank robber who robbed him three years ago so he got to be home early which was also nice :)

Kaitlyn is continuing her line of questioning about everything. She doesn't accept too many answers as being the final answer. Today, I put a candle on the table so we could have a nice dinner atmosphere. She asked if it was my birthday and I told her no that I just put it there for dinner and then she asked if it was dinner's birthday. lol. Then during dinner the conversation went something like this...

"Why does the candle do that mommy?"
-Because it is dancing.
"Why is it dancing?"
-Because it just is...
"Why cause it just is?"
-Because when the candle was little, it's mommy never let it dance so it made a vow that when it grew up, it would let nothing stand in it's way of dancing again...

Mission accomplished! haha

Chloe is continuing to develop her independent personality! It is so nice watching her, she is so easy. I always wondered what it was like when my friends would tell me their baby would just play while they did housework, etc. Kaitlyn was never like that. Chloe is content being able to crawl around and on everything. My goodness...don't take her washcloth away in the bath though...I think our whole complex heard the screams tonight during bathtime. WOW.

I have a ton of pics to post but my hubby helped me clean up today so I want to spend time with him! Will post pics soon Grandmas, I promise!

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