Sunday, July 11, 2010

We are still here!

I don't know why, but I have been busier than usual and haven't gotten to blog much! Well here I am trying to play catchup once again!

He is still doing a great job and we are so proud of him! He got to visit the LAX tower yesterday and actually meet some of the people he talks to every day. I was glad he got to have a fun day at work! Other than that, we both have been busy taking care of the girls!

She talks a lot...from the time she gets up until she goes to bed. lol. I remember looking forward to car rides to listen to music, but now it is overshadowed by a tiny voice going on in the back seat. She has been a lot braver now too! She has always been extremely careful and cautious and wouldn't take a lot of risks (which has been kinda nice in a way for mommy!), but lately she has just taken off physically and doesn't want me to help her much to do anything, especially at the playground! About 4 months ago, she was afraid to go down this little slide at the park by herself, but now she is climbing all over the equipment and will go on anything!

She also loves to take pictures with our little camera. We crack up because most of them are the floor or our arms, but it is cute!

My little Clobo is standing and is starting to cruise along furniture. She is very independent and I don't dare get in her way when she sees any type of water. She loves baths and starts her pelvic thrusts when she sees I am starting the bath. lol. She loves music too and is always dancing. She plays with this little piano we have that when you push a button the music plays. I will look in and she pushes the button to dance all the time. It is so cute.

I am doing good! A little sick right now with a cold, but I have been enjoying my Bible study at church which is sadly ending this week.

Here are some pictures from the last few weeks!

I took the girls to the San Diego zoo a few weeks ago by myself. We had a great time!! I didn't know what to expect and we walked the ENTIRE zoo!

To reward ourselves with our hard work, we got some cotton candy at the end!

Even Chloe got some cotton candy!

All the way to the car, I kept hearing Kaitlyn saying that she was sharing and all this giggling. When I got to the car, this is what Chloe looked like! Apparently, K fed her cotton candy the entire way. LOL

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