Saturday, July 17, 2010


Kaitlyn is potty trained!! Yay!!! Praise God as this has been one of the most frustrating things I have done so far as a parent!

My little Chloe is a climber and will climb anything. The other day at the park she climbed up the slide all the way to the top (with me ready to catch her of course!).

Here are some recent pictures of the girls!

Here the girls are Wonderpets. Kaitlyn made Chloe wear a cape too.

We made a slide out of Chloe's mattress.

This is Cup Cup (Kaitlyn named her, lol).

1 comment:

Crystal said...

Dear Friend,

I am now stalking your blog, LOL. I laughed out loud at your posts and will continue to read until I get "caught-up" with what is going on.

Had a lot of fun on Saturday. It's nice to sit around and chat about old memories and new things that have been happening in our lives. I look forward to many more visits like this!

Keep smiling and enjoying those beautiful girls of yours.



P.S. Enjoy your secret shopping :)

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