Friday, June 25, 2010


My sweet Kaitlyn! You are almost 2 1/2 already! You still amaze me by how smart you are. I hardly ever feel like I am with a toddler when it comes to conversations. The other day you made me explain how daddy does his job, why daddy does his job, where the money goes from daddy's job, and how gasoline gets into the car. You tell me what to say now like the other day you told me we were gonna watch TV and that I was not going to say no but I was going to say yes. And the other night, you put your arms around Daddy and me and said "I lub you guys" Today you saw the Wells Fargo logo on Daddy's ATM card and told us that is where he used to work but now his new job is to talk to airplanes!

You have taken it upon yourself to make sure that Chloe doesn't get anything (whether she is supposed to have it or not). Although I have to tell you to stop yelling at your sister, it still makes me chuckle on the inside as I am guessing this will be how you are your whole life with your little sister.

Right now you are into using your "magination" and we play Princess a LOT. I get to be the mommy dragon guarding your castle and Chloe gets to be the baby dragon until she takes your magic wand or tears your castle down.

You know your shapes and colors inside and out and you identify your colors on a new level by telling me which TV character is that color (sigh, see? TV can be educational...).

You are still passionately in love with your pacifiers, but you willingly kiss them bye in the morning until you find one by accident that was laying around somewhere and then I have to snatch it up.

You love to help me cook in the kitchen and sometimes it is hard because it would be easier to just do it myself, but I know you love it and it is good bonding time!

Today we got to spend one on one time together at the library in a dance class. My heart melts watching you be silly and dance and I am so thankful to God to get to be able to go with you and be your "friend".

I love you my sweet Kaitlyn.

My baby Clobo!

YOU HAVE STARTED CRAWLING! This brings on some new challenges but I am so proud of you! You love this new freedom and independence and I don't know what I will do when we go to the park now! You love to get into my plant and you love to crawl up the entertainment center. You find EVERY single piece of paper (you love paper) in the house somehow and get mad when I take it away!

My heart breaks because you sit up in your crib during naps and can't quite figure out that you can lay yourself down so i will come in and rescue you but you always look so scared! My poor baby!

You have also been talking :) You started saying Dada a few weeks ago and started saying Mama today as you crawled into my lap! I love it!

I gave you blueberries in your cereal the other day and I have never seen a child attack a spoon the way you did! You kept yelling at me between bites because you LOVED it! It was the cutest thing!

You are soooo cuddly and it warms my heart to hold you and kiss your face!

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