Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Bad blogger...Bad!

Wow, I have been bad lately about blogging.

Matt still continues to succeed at work! His trainer actually has recommended him for certification for his first sector (he has to certify in 5 sectors to be fully certified), but Matt has a ton of more training hours he can still use so he is going to train a little longer. I am still amazed and proud that he is actually controlling now! Go honey!

Kaitlyn has been her cute self. We started potty training this week and I have found this to be a frustrating process. Everyone assures me that it will be ok in time! She is having a hard time when her little sister starts crying (especially in the car) and gets really upset herself. This has made car trips exhausting for all. I ended up separating their car seats and so far the few short trips I have made have been ok. Hopefully they will be fine! She is a very busy toddler, constantly on the go, especially verbally!

Chloe is also doing well! She is very interested in everything in my hand and "attacks" objects all the time with her hands and tongue. She loves to lick everything which is quite funny to watch. Recently she attacks her car seat straps before I can buckle them. Shopping has become much easier now that she sits in the front part of the cart. I no longer use a sling which has made things sooooo much easier. Chloe is a lot easier with sleep than K was and she is happy to sit on my lap (K always had to be up and moving while we were holding her), but Chloe won't go to anyone else really for very long. I am hoping she will grow out of this soon!!

I celebrated my 30th birthday recently. I had mixed feelings about this. I don't mean to be dramatic about it but it was a big deal to me and was kinda hard to take. My sweet hubby planned a surprise birthday dinner for me which was really sweet considering he doesn't have much free time! Thank you babe! I still have my ups and downs and some days are harder than others here at the house with the girls. I am still searching for a good church and hope to find one soon so I can get involved. I have been enjoying decorating our house, although it is moving a little slow.

Our family recently went on a trip to Disneyland for two days. This was awesome! Most of my family was there, my mom, brother and sister and their families as well. K of course had a blast and Chloe did as well as a 5 month can do at Disneyland for two whole days. She didn't like the stroller much, but I am going to believe that will change when she is a little older. K loved the stroller so I hope Chloe will too.

Here are some recent pictures!

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