Saturday, February 27, 2010


Hello! It has been awhile!

Matt is doing wonderfully! He started controlling planes for the first time this week which I am sure was a lot on his shoulders! He did really, really well though and I continue to be so proud of him!! Go honey!!!

Kaitlyn is still cute as ever! Today, I ventured out to a new church. I was really worried about K because she has a hard time when I leave her in a nursery. We dropped Chloe off in her nursery and then I took K, she was so excited to play with the toys and when I told her I would be back, she told me Ok. I went to church and got paged about 45 minutes into it, but it was for poor little Chloe. When I went to get K, they were telling me how happy and cute she was and that they just loved her. She didn't cry once! I was so proud of her!!!

Poor little Clo-bo (as mentioned above) isn't very happy unless she is with me. I now know it will be something she grows out of, but I feel so bad to see her cry like that! She is growing up so much lately and is just a cutie pie!

I am looking forward to getting hooked up in some women's Bible studies and still try to get out a lot with the girls. I am fortunate that they are pretty good when we go somewhere, otherwise I would go CRAZY!!

This makes me think of the Wizard of Oz for some reason...

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