Tuesday, January 19, 2010

You're kidding me....part 2

Ok, so I couldn't take it and the girls and I packed up and headed out to my mom's house by Wednesday. She took wonderful care of us and I honestly don't think I could have been feeling better without her. Matt's mom even sent me some stuff to help. Thank you once again Moms...I don't know what I would do without both of you.

So, even though I am horrible looking, things were looking up until Friday...I get a call from our property management telling me the empty condo next to ours had a leak. Matt rushed home to find half of our bedroom flooded.


(insert cuss word here)


At least it was only half of our bedroom and even though I stuffed a bunch of stuff under our bed (remember the lack of storage??) most of it was in a bag of some sort so we didn't really lose anything. This company came in with 4 huge fans and Matt literally threw our entire bedroom into the other already crowded rooms. Thank you Lord that I was not here with the girls..

I came home yesterday and we stayed on an air mattress in the new condo. I was pleasantly surprised at how quiet it was even though we are on the 2nd story with someone on top and bottom. NO PEGLEG!!! WHOO HOO! Life is looking better.

My plan this week is to pack up our old apt (my mom has K all week for me) and we are moving on Friday despite the record breaking storms coming our way.

My life will be back to normal soon enough. sigh!


Charlee said...

Good for you to keep going because i owuld have had a breakdown and cried by now!

Jessica said...

Wow Salch... you have been through the ringer! I hope things start getting MUCH easier for you. I'm glad you're feeling better!

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