Sunday, January 24, 2010


We are 99% moved in and have 99% stuff put away!!!!!! Yay!!! And we love our new place!!!

I am sorry I don't have any pictures to post of our place or the girls, but here are some updates and why I just adore these two little ones...

Kaitlyn continues to crack us up. She is obsessed about going to the doctors because she knows she gets suckers. So she will tell us that something hurts and that she needs to go to the doctors. haha

She has been really scared of lots of things lately, mostly noises she hears outside like an airplane going by or the dryer running, etc. I usually just tell her it's just the neighbors so now when she hears noises she says, "It's the rapers?"...she can't quite say "neighbors" so it comes out

Little Clo-bo is beginning to roll on one side and is grasping objects...including my hair. OUCH! She just adores Kaitlyn and that is how I entertain Chloe all day. Tonight was the sweetest moment. I was putting Kaitlyn to bed and she wanted Chloe to lay next to her. So we all three held hands and sang songs. Chloe even giggled because she thought it was fun to hold sister's hand and have her sing. Then she started sucking on Kaitlyn's hand which Kaitlyn thought was hilarious.

Thank you God...I needed that!

My Super Mom story of the day was that I shopped at target, while pushing Kaitlyn in the cart and simultaneously feeding Chloe a bottle in her sling. Go Mommy!!
I will post pictures soon!

1 comment:

  1. Yay, I'm so glad you're moved in!

    That is funny how K says neighbors, lol!
