Saturday, January 9, 2010

It's Official!

We had such a nice weekend!! Well our weekend is Thursday and Friday (Matt's days off). Thursday we went to the mall and walked around. K threw a huge tantrum so we strollered her out and she screamed for about 10 minutes. She calmed down and we were able to finish our shopping. haha. We have officially entered the terrible twos one month shy of her 2nd b-day.

Friday we went to sign our new rental agreement and got our keys early although we technically can't move in until the 15th. We won't really move all our stuff until the 22nd. It can't come any sooner. You know how that last two weeks of school or work before you leave seems to drag...this is where I am. All those cuboards and drawers and closet space gives me goose bumps! I can't wait!!

After signing our papers, we went to the Wild Animal Park. None of us had ever been there and we really had a great time! We didn't attempt any of the tours with the girls but it was fun to visit. K of course enjoyed going to the real zoo this time too, lol.

Here are some recent pics. Enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. yay, I'm so happy for you Salch! Kelly said you'll be close to her, that is great! I will have to come visit the both of you :)
