Saturday, December 12, 2009

Updates :)


Let's see...what is new!

I am still trying to get Chloe's announcements done. It has taken me this long to purchase outfits, wash them, iron them and get a camera. Now I just need to actually put them both in their dresses and take pictures. Chloe is doing good :) She is kinda getting on somewhat of a schedule now. She sleeps through the whole night...but next to me. She doesn't really sleep very long on her own. I have her dr. appt on Tuesday and am hoping she can help me not make this mistake again!! Other than that, she is smiling a ton and loves to play with little toys I dangle above her!!

Kaitlyn continues to be cute as ever. We were at a restaurant the other day and she was chatting with a boy in the next table. She introduced us all (including Chloe) to the little boy, it was hilarious.

Matt is still doing well with his job. The rainy weather has made flight data interesting so he had a few stressful times, but he handled it really well :)

I am ok! My days are long and I have really really good times and really really bad times. Most of the bad times involve both children screaming at me at the same time and I kinda get frustrated and seem to lose my ability to think. I am working on just taking a deep breath and realizing that this moment is just a moment.

Here are some pics :)

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