Sunday, October 11, 2009


Hello everyone! I have been without fast internet for awhile so I have not even attempted to update my blog! I am still very prego and thought for sure by now I would have had Chloe! I had little K when I was 38 weeks and just believed I would have gone early. BUT! God's timing is perfect and I have to constantly remind myself that this is something I cannot have control over (which bugs me to no end!).

Our move was very smooth and successful! I have been staying at my mom's house since Oct 1st and am very much enjoying the time with her. We moved our stuff on the 3rd and when Matt comes home, we will head to San Diego this weekend. He starts work on Monday (10/19). HOPEFULLY I will have had Chloe by then...otherwise I will still be here :( I CANNOT wait to pick him up on Thursday :) :) :)

Well I gotta go, but I will try to update once I have her :) :) :)

1 comment:

Jessica said...

I've been wondering if you had her and what is going on! I'm glad the move went well and that your hubby is coming home soon... yippee! Keep us updated :)

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