Sunday, September 20, 2009


*sigh* This is my one chance to just stop and breath! Things are moving so quickly and although things are falling into place with the packing, planning the move, counting down the days until I get to hold my hubby again, and getting ready for our new little one, all the while still trying to work another week and half, be a good mommy to my K, and all the other things that come along with life.

I just have such a flood of emotions! I am soooooooo grateful for all that God is doing and I have no complaints really. Matt's mom is out (yay!!!) and has already been a tremendous help. It is nice to have help with K's baths and dinners and cleaning and packing and the list goes on and on.

I had a hard night! While packing and everything, Matt's mom reminded me of packing my own bag for the hospital and that I needed to have Chloe's stuff ready. OH MY GOODNESS!! All this time I kept thinking, oh I have everything I need, but I didn't have anything picked out, washed, let alone ready to be packed for her. I felt like a failure as a mommy already! Ok, Shells, can't be too hard on myself, but still!!!!!! In the midst of everything, it is almost like I forget I am pregnant and about to welcome another blessing into this world. I went shopping tonight and picked out a little welcome home outfit for my new little girl and it felt so good to focus on her alone for at least a little bit of time. Am I ready for all of this?? I am praying it will be so!

I also miss Matt more and more lately. Although it is a probability that he will miss out on Chloe's birth and I have just accepted this, it was still hard while packing my hospital bag. I kept thinking, "gosh, why did I have so much to pack last time? oh ya, Matt was going with me." This brings tears to my eyes to face the reality he may not be back yet. I will miss his support and sharing the joy with him at first sight of little Chloe. He was so wonderful with little K while we were in the hospital and helped me so much and he even got to take a week off from work to be with me.

Please don't think I am complaining, just trying to work through this hit of emotion tonight. :)

Anyhow, here are a few pics from this last weekend. K had a Dr. appt on Friday and she got two suckers. Poor thing cried through her entire appt. I think she is feeling the stress from her momma and all the uncertainty is hitting her. Then she had to get shots on top of it. I am glad she got her two suckers :) She enjoyed them immensely!

I know this is kinda gross but it made me laugh so hard...

Matt's mom brought down a car load of much needed toys for the grandkids. One of K's favorites was this really cute catapillar chair and her Barney...she LOVES Barney and when Matt's mom brought this in, K was totally speechless. I even took her pacifier out and her mouth was still open. She didn't know what to do or to believe it was real. No joke! And then it started singing "I love you..." The two have been inseparable since.. lol.

1 comment:

  1. Ahhhh... hang in there Shelly! I'll keep you in my prayers! You are having to do so much in your last weeks of pregnancy. I'm sure you will be so glad when your hubby is back and life can return to normal :) I hope everything goes well with the move! Don't you do any heavy lifting!
