Saturday, August 29, 2009


The last few days have been exhausting! Thursday I ended up in the hospital (again) for some minor prego abnormalties (spare you the details, but they think I lost my prego "plug" already, haha sorry). Nothing serious but of course they send you there just to be on the safe side. The Dr. gave me a shot to stop my "contractions" although I still argue that they were only the fake kind as I was not in any pain at all, but I guess he is the Dr. and I am not. Friday I just relaxed and tried not to make myself too busy, but K and I did take a trip to the dollar tree where I picked up some more crafts for her :)

Saturday, we had a yard sale here and it went pretty well (I thought it did at least) but it was soooooooooooooo hot!!! Ugh!!! I think the heat was too much for me because in the evening I was feeling a bit overworked and just not that good. I will try to relax tomorrow (I promise).

Here are some recent pics of K. She has become obsessed with trying to put things on her back like a back pack so I found this one at the dollar tree and thought it was so cute! She of course wears it non-stop when she can :) What a cutie pie!


  1. OH I'm glad you're ok! You keep that baby inside a little longer and take it easy missy! The backpack is cute :)

  2. Awww my girl, she looks like such a big girl in the first picture where shes facing the camera holding her backpack :) Love you baby!!!
