Sunday, August 9, 2009

Momma to Mom

I just wanted to take some time to tell you how blessed we are with such an amazing little girl. Getting to spend this extra time with her has been really nice. Here are some of the latest developments :)

I am now "Mom" instead of Momma. This makes me chuckle inside everytime I hear it. It sounds so grown up. I wonder where she picks up that I am Mommie, Momma, and now Mom in the first place? She must hear me call my own mother that!

She has always been great at talking but we are now moving more into sentences which just amazes me! Being a toddler, she can be a little clumsy around the house. This weekend, I would see her fall or run into something and bump her head. She would put her hand up to her head, come running to me crying and say "I bump my head"...I would of course thourougly examine it each time (even though I know it is ok) and say "You're ok!" and she would tell me "I'm ok" and go running off again.

I don't realize how much she listens. Now when we pull up into the driveway she says "Were home!"

We are so blessed and every day is filled with new surprises at how much my little babe is growing up. She warms my heart and I well up inside when I see her grow. My heart breaks when she feels any type of pain and it is filled with joy when she smiles. I love her so much!

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