Sunday, August 2, 2009

Happy 6 yr anniversary!

My wonderful hubby left on a plane to Oklahoma City today *sniff*

I had a HARD time throughout the day, but at least it is only 75 days (who's counting!) and it isn't like he is in the military or something and will be gone till who knows when :)

Praise God, he made it safely there and has somewhat settled into his apartment (they gave him the wrong one and couldn't fix it til tomorrow so he couldn't unpack).

I am so proud of him and will miss him terribly! But I have lots to do to keep me busy luckily! Nameley the little Turkey below!! She was such a sweetheart today and was so good for momma even when momma broke down crying all day. I love her in her tennis shoes! Her little legs are so cute!!

We have been painting pictures lately and she loves her "painting dress"...she is always asking to "pint" :)

1 comment:

Jessica said...

Wow, so he's in training, that's great! I'll be praying for you as he's gone. Hopefully the time goes very quickly! You can always call me if you're bored :)

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