Tuesday, July 14, 2009

ATC Update!

I am so excited! Matt heard back from the FAA and he has passed all his background/medical/psych clearances!!! This is as good as being hired. Now all his HR rep is waiting for is to know how many people he can hire for Matt's facility and a class date. If there aren't a lot of people ahead of Matt, I think he will be sent in October. This is just one more step closer!!!!

On another note, I found 3 gray hairs in the last week. What the heck?!? I am not even 30 yet!!!!! I contribute them to my 1 1/2 years of middle school teaching. I have to wait to dye my hair, but those little suckers are yanked at first site! *sniff* *sniff*


  1. YAY!!!!!!!!!! That is terrific news Salch, I am so excited for you guys!

  2. You can hilight or lowlight while pregnant so you can hide them easier.
