Wednesday, June 17, 2009

My little babes :)

This weekend, Kaitlyn decided she wanted to start walking on her own! She has been walking (holding our hand) for a couple of months now and we were beginning to wonder if she would ever walk on her own! I asked the Dr. about it at her 15 month appt, and she assured us that she would when she was ready. Obviously, it wasn't a physical problem (the Dr. got K to walk to me no problem, although she screamed the whole way), but that she just didn't feel confident enough to do it on her own yet. Also, my mother-in-law had read that kids that walk later than others, usually are focusing on another skill which would explain why K has such a big vocabulary! Well, she is all over the house now and we just love it!! She seemed to have skipped the entire wobbly stage and she just goes and goes :) I am so proud of her!!!!

Well we have gone back and forth on a name now, and I think instead of Abigail, we are going to go with Chloe! I really like both names and it isn't for sure, but it seems like our first choice now! The two girls will have to share a room until we move, so I have been having fun coming up with ways to organize and decorate! Instead of buying a new crib, we might just buy K a toddler bed and when Chloe is done with the bassinet, K will probably be ready for her own bed. The closer I get, the more excited I get. I can't wait to meet our new little one!! I am still getting used to the idea that we are parents of one baby, but now two!!!! How exciting!

We are still waiting to hear back on Matt's job. I am just trusting God with timing issues and moving issues and work issues...(lots of issues!)

Hopefully I will have some pictures to post soon!

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