Monday, April 11, 2011

A Butterfly Lesson

Kaitlyn got a Butterfly Kit from my sister for her birthday! We waited patiently for her caterpillars in the mail and when they arrived, all we heard for a few days was "are they butterflies yet??". lol.

Once they became butterflies, Kaitlyn was sure that they were going to fly around her room and sleep with her at nighttime. And of course, they would land on her finger at her command. Poor thing!

She quickly learned that they had to stay safe in their butterfly home until we could release them in the backyard. 

We tried to release them on Saturday after Ballet class, but the turkeys wouldn't budge from their house. Maybe it was too cold??

So we released them today! Three of the five flew away right after we got them out. But two stayed in our garden most of the day.  While Chloe was taking a nap, I was doing dishes while Kaitlyn was outside playing. She was so quiet and I didn't want to interrupt this rare occasion, so I didn't question what she was doing (I was watching out the window). 

She re-captured one of the butterflies and made it a new "home".  She then fed it bubble solution and mint leaves she picked from my plant. I am not sure if the butterfly will make it, but at least it enjoyed a nice So. California day once in it's short lifespan.

 She is teaching me how to get the food and put it in the special butterfly cup.


Jolene Grace said...

That is just precious! She is much more gentle and thoughtful than my boys...Christian would have stomped on any butterflies that stayed around. ;-)

Crystal said...

Well, did the butterfly make it?

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