Sunday, July 25, 2010

Spiders and Popsicles!

My girls! They bring such a joy to my life (even in the hard times). Even during my worst day, when my patience is all but gone, I would still rather do this than have to be at work all day and miss out on everything.

My little Artist!

Chloe does not really care for pacifiers, but she LOVES this spider and uses it as a pacifier during the day. It is hilarious to see her crawling around with it. I think this is from the McGuire side of the genes, haha.

Ah popsicle time! This has become a rare moment of peace around here and gives me a chance to clean up dinner, knocking out another night time chore!! Whoo hoo! They just kinda stare at eachother from across the table. lol. I love it!

I love you girls!

1 comment:

Jessica said...

The spider-fier cracks me up!!! haha, that's great.

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